Saturday, January 30, 2010

Where's MY white light?

Yesterday, a friend asked me if I felt a call to the music ministry. What a great question! And I don't even have to think hard about it. The answer is a resounding - No.

Never have, really.

I've had plenty of piano lessons, choir practices, college classes, etc. But I've never had the blinding white light from Heaven, or that burning conviction in my heart that I should be a musician. And yet, there I am every Sunday moring, leading worship at my church.

Part of me envies those people who know music is their destiny. It would be so comforting to have that certainty, especially on those Sunday mornings when I pick the wrong songs, or hit some sour notes, or things just stink in general.

Part of me thinks that we put too much of a premium on "callings." Should I pack up my chorus book and let everyone sing acappella because I never had a musical epiphany? And what about those people that most every music leader has dealt with. The ones that "know" they're called to be a soloist, even though their vocal abilities don't match their confidence.

Callings are a risky topic, since God doesn't send us a signed affidavit that we can whip out as proof. But hard work and hours of practice are indisputable. God needs laborers for the field, and I feel like I shouldn't sit around and wait for an engraved invitation.

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