Friday, January 15, 2010

What if . . . ?

The question that almost everyone asks themselves is, “What if things had turned out different for me?” What if I couldn’t play any instruments? What if I couldn’t teach choir? What would I be doing? Obviously, the answer will be different for just about everybody, but I’m going to explore what I would be doing if I was not involved in music.

It’s natural to assume that I would just focus on preaching since that is another ministry God has given me. But the truth is that I received the calling to preach while following the path my musical calling had me on. So, imagining that I would not have received the calling to preach, I would have to say that I would probably try video/visual ministry things. I know that covers a lot of things, but I’ll break it down for you.

Even now as a music minister, I’m always concerned with whether or not the words on the video screen are correct and that they are displayed on time. Working in this ministry challenges one to think and be considerate of others. And I like knowing that I did something at the end of the day that helped somebody.

I also like the freedom of creativity that comes with working in the visual ministry. One gets select background slides, fonts, and other things that people see on the video screen. So, not only do you get to help people, you get to do it in YOUR style.

I also like the idea of working the video camera, getting the right angles at the right times. This is great because you get to be a part of making something that lasts forever. When things are videoed, one tends to want his work to look good because it’s not going to just disappear one day.
Now after I’ve said all that, you may wonder, “Why don’t you get into that ministry?” Well, I am involved in that ministry, just not as in depth as some of the things I spoke about. This involvement comes naturally with being the music minister. So, I’m happy. I get to be involved in the visual media ministry while following my calling to others.

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