Saturday, February 20, 2010

How do YOU Know?

Someone suggested that I discuss how I know I’m called to music ministry. I would like to first apologize for this late entry. I am currently having my computer worked on by a friend whom I believe is working in a calling that God has given him. I plan to use this friend to reinforce my opinion. While I am extremely tired; I will try to write more than a simple one-line answer.

My friend is an extremely intelligent and talented computer engineer. He is probably the most sought after PC company in our county. One day, a lady from our church was seeking someone to donate a website to raise money to purchase a wheel chair accessible van. Not only did this particular friend donate the website, but he came to our church and donated the labor, a lot of the hardware and software, and another website for our church. The “greatness” of my friend’s skills need not be discussed to make this point. Just know that he was helping any churches in our area with these things because he is passionate about it being done and it being done well; and beyond that, being done correctly.

I’ve visited this man’s house and had to leave because he was in some kind of “computer code zone” and could not communicate with me. He knows that this is his calling because it, at times can consume him. He operates effectively in this ministry, correctly and insists that it be done well. These are great qualities to have when operating in a ministry. Even though none of us are perfect, God will see these qualities and improve us to be what we need to be to get the job done where we’re at.

There is no doubt that many people have different responses to the question of how they knew they were “called” to do something. Some say that they saw visions or dreamed dreams. Some say they were prophesied to. I say that it was a natural occurrence in my life.

I know that this may not even be coherent, but I don’t care. It’s too late to go back through this and start erasing and replacing stuff. But I believe one way for people to know they are called to something is the natural manifestation of that ministry in their lives. Please note that Saul was called to be king and it was his qualities that became associated with those that would be king. Then David came with a totally new set of qualities. There is not much of a “standard” set for people being “called” into certain ministries. God needs a willing vessel that will allow Him to equip and qualify them. Just as SSD said, God needs laborers. We shouldn’t feel like God only wants to use certain people in certain ministries. He’ll use whoever will allow Him to use them. Sometimes that willingness can bring a “calling.”

God bless!

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