Monday, June 1, 2009

Rhythms of Life

Here we are at last at long last. Enugu, Nigeria. We are slowly settling in to a routine, a rhythm, if you will, but unlike the rhythm of our previous existence. Rhythm here is quite different than in the U.S. In more ways than one.


Prior to April 1, my life proceeded along a very clear meter, four-four time, key of B-flat. The pace was . . . well astounding. We were a part of the frenetic energy of the “two parents working” with our son in a myriad of different daycare “solutions.” Now the solution is us. And we are teaching not only our son, but a cadre of future ministers of the Gospel.

Here in Nigeria, things are very different. Many things. Most things. If you want to go to the bank, or even something as simple as getting a generator repaired, it can take up a good part of your day. Or a good part of a number of days.

Things can proceed as a very slow waltz here. Or a tango, maybe, depending on the situation. There are plenty of cars and three times the number of “machines” (motorbikes, in local parlance). And lots of of folks walking. Walking, walking, walking, everywhere people are walking. I didn't used to walk quite so much at home. At least if I did, it didn't feel like it, compared to walking under the blistering sun at around six or seven degrees north of the equator.

Is your life so hectic that you do not take time to sing a new song unto the Lord? Do you find that the song in your heart has become a mournful dirge? Are you running to and fro seeking that which you must do to get eleven more items crossed off of your never-ending to do list? Or are you at the opposite end of the spectrum, with no less long a list, but without the energy to drive another block or even look for a pen so you can cross off the one item you were able to finish two weeks ago?

Lord, help us to remember to always praise you in song, with our voices, in our hearts, and let our light shine no matter the circumstance.

1 comment:

  1. Everett,
    It's always so good to read your thoughts - they're always so easy to identify with. And thanks for reminding us to find life's present tempo and just DANCE! I suppose you can do that to any tempo - instead of just dragging around, why not put a few steps together and enjoy the journey?
    Take care and enjoy your time there - I know you and your wife will be a special blessing.

